Webinar Radiation Protection IAEA

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sporočamo vam, da IAEA v sodelovanju z EFRS v prihodnjem tednu organizira brezplačni webinar na temo “Webinar series on Radiation Protection Education and Training of Medical Radiation Technologists/ Radiographers”. Webinar bo potekal v torek 1. 12. 2020 od 16:00 do 17:30 in v četrtek 3. 12. 2020 od 14:00 do 15:30. Več informacij in povezavo do dogodka najdete spodaj.

Webinar series on Radiation Protection Education and Training of Medical Radiation Technologists/ Radiographers, organized by the IAEA in collaboration with the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS).

Webinar 1: Education and Training of Radiographers in TC Europe region: Good practices, problems and solutions
Date and time: 1 December: 16:00 – 17:30 CET (GMT + 01:00)
The first webinar focuses on the good practices and problems in Radiation Protection Education and Training of Medical Radiation Technologists/ Radiographers, as well as solution for the problems, identified from the survey and the meeting organized by the IAEA, in collaboration with EFRS under the Technical cooperation project for Europe RER9147 “Enhancing Member States’ Capabilities for Ensuring Radiation Protection of Individuals Undergoing Medical Exposure”.
Jonathan McNulty, EFRS President
Graciano Paulo, Portugal
Shane Foley, Ireland
Joana Santos, Portugal
Jonathan Portelli, Malta
Moderator: Jenia Vassileva, IAEA

Webinar 3: Improving radiation protection education and training of radiographers
Date and time: 3 December: 14:00 – 15:30 CET (GMT + 01:00)
This webinar focuses on the guidance and available resources for improving the implementation of the requirements of the International Basic Safety Standards (GSR Part 3) for education, training, qualification and competence of medical radiation technologists/ radiographers. Examples of good practice in Europe will be presented based on the experience of the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS), as well as the global perspective and resources by the IAEA, WHO and other professional societies.
Jenia Vassileva, IAEA
Maria Perez, WHO
Andrew England, EFRS
Graciano Paulo, Portugal
Moderator: Shane Foley, Ireland